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Expand your dessert skills & knowledge with this all vegan dessert course! The program focuses on essential techniques and recipes so you can create quality vegan desserts with confidence. The course starts with an explanation of key equipment, ingredient selection and function, and foundational techniques for creating desserts without the use of eggs and dairy. As you progress, learning activities and practice recipes will showcase your ability to prepare and finish an array of vegan desserts ranging from pies, cakes, tarts and cookies to aquafaba, mousses, gels, trifles and sauces.

Degree, Certificate, or Credential Earned

Certificate of Completion from & HARIETT

Entrance Requirements / Prerequisites

Computer, tablet or smartphone with internet connection



Provided By

1. HARIETT (Statewide)

Training Location


Training Category

Culinary Arts

Program Dates

Online - on your own time

Total Hours

Approximately 3 months

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